Jackson-Pratt Drain Care

Drains systems are a common feature of post-operative surgical management and are used to remove drainage from a wound bed to prevent infection and the delay of wound healing. A drain may be superficial to the skin or deep in an organ, duct, or a cavity such as a hematoma. The number of drains depends on the extent and type of surgery. A closed system uses a vacuum system to withdraw fluids and collects the drainage into a reservoir. Closed systems must be emptied and measured at least once every shift and cleaned using sterile technique according to agency protocol.

Drainage tubes consist of silastic tubes with perforations to allow fluid to drain from the surgical wound site, or separate puncture holes close to the surgical area. The drainage is collected in a closed sterile collection system/reservoir (Hemovac or Jackson-Pratt) or an open system that deposits the drainage on a sterile dressing. Drainage may vary depending on location and type of surgery. A Hemovac drain can hold up to 500 ml of drainage. A Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain is usually used for smaller amounts of drainage (25 to 50 ml). Drains are usually sutured to the skin to prevent accidental removal. The drainage site is covered with a sterile dressing and should be checked periodically to ensure the drain is functioning effectively and that no leaking is occurring.

JP DRAIN REMOVAL: $250 and up ( with MD order)